Sensory Room Appeal: Can you help Bring Light to the Beacon?


Donate nowHelp us keep our specially adapted car on the road because those miles really do bring smiles!

Huntington's Disease (HD) is an inherited condition that damages certain nerve cells in the brain. This brain damage gets progressively worse over time and can affect movement, cognition (perception, awareness, thinking, judgement) and behaviour. HD is often discovered when a person is in their 30's or 40's. There is no cure for HD and no way to slow it down. 

Mill Lodge in Narborough cares for people with HD. As their condition worsens, people with HD experience involuntary movements and difficulty in sitting up without support from a special wheechair. Often the wheelchairs are too big for even wheelchair friendly taxis. Our HD patients just want to do normal things like visit the hairdresser or go to the cinema but transport can be difficult. 

Over the last eight years, supporters of Mill Lodge have fundraised for a specially adapted car which can accommodate a HD wheelchair. You can read more about that here. 

Now we need your help to keep this car on the road and ensure there are more Miles for Smiles in the future.

Your donation, whatever you can afford, will help patients at Mill Lodge to take advantage of their 'good days' to get out and do the things we probably take for granted but mean a lot to them. Miles for Smiles

Donate now


Fundraising so far

Charity of the year

Everyone at Mill Lodge was delighted to be chosen as the Charity of the year by Burbage Gardening Club in 2017. More than £600 was raised at the annual plant auction and open show which draws entries from around the county and beyond. Alana Barby, matron at Mill Lodge is pictured here with Bob Gwynn from Burbage Gardening Club after a busy day at the show. 



If your club or workplace has a charity of the year please consider nominating the Miles for Smiles appeal. Get in touch for more information.

Challenge fundraisers

Thanks to Gary Brown who ran the Stockholm Marathon in July 2017 to raise £1205 for the Miles for Smiles appeal. Gary's employers, Santander, also provided £500 in match funding towards the appeal which is amazing! You can read more about Gary's experience here.

Could you help us to reach our target by taking part in a challenge event? We would love to hear from you.