Sensory Room Appeal: Can you help Bring Light to the Beacon?


Charnwood BRAS  

(Breastfeeding Reassurance And Support)

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The Charnwood BRAS are a group of breastfeeding mothers who volunteer alongside health care professionals to offer reassurance, support, information and help to anyone in the Charnwood area who plans to breastfeed, or is breastfeeding. We are part of a Unicef Baby Friendly accredited service and we have been active in the Charnwood area for almost 10 years. Many of the volunteers are mothers who had their own breastfeeding challenges and sought support from the BRAS themselves. You can read one of our peer supporter’s stories here.


Why does breastfeeding support matter?

We believe breastfeeding support matters above all because it matters to mothers and parents. Currently many new parents will have never seen breastfeeding before they come to feed their own baby and wider society in the UK often throws up many social and cultural barriers to breastfeeding. Our aim as the BRAS is to reassure and support new families with their own feeding goals at a time of great vulnerability. We are trained to listen with empathy, give practical support and signpost people to skilled, effective support and evidence based information.

We support all breastfeeding/chestfeeding mothers, including those who are exclusively expressing or mixed feeding and we offer support for all aspects of a feeding journey from preparing to start, to deciding to stop.



Some quotes from parents who have used our service

 “I contacted Charnwood Bras for advice on re-establishing breastfeeding. The online support I received, with tips on building up my supply, expressing, and alternative feeding positions, was really helpful and boosted my confidence and determination to continue with breastfeeding. Following one week in hospital for major abdominal surgery, and expressing twice a day to alleviate congestion only, I had thought my chances of continuing breastfeeding were slim. However, six weeks later I am now back to exclusively breastfeeding my son, and am grateful for the support I received” Vicky

“We had a few hiccups along the way of our breastfeeding journey and I was on the phone to the doctor in despair who put me in touch with a Charnwood BRAS peer supporter. She visited my home where we spoke about everything from pregnancy to preschools to partners. Breastfeeding was a new experience and it was a learning curve for the both of us.  She allowed me to take my time and put me at ease whilst reassuring me of the best attachment techniques and feeding positions for it to be comfortable and enjoyable for the both of us.”Charlotte

The breastfeeding workshop was fantastic - both myself and my husband learnt so much we didn't know and it made us feel so much more confident in the early days of breastfeeding, when things were not just new, but really challenging too. Kat


How your donation will help us 

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The Charnwood BRAS are reliant on a small amount of funding from LPT and charitable donations. This appeal will help us to continue offering our highly rated Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshops, our online support and for us to continue to be a part of the free to access Breastfeeding Support Groups across Charnwood. It will allow us to undertake new initiatives to support parents, contribute to training new peer supporters and will buy essential materials for the group, such as tea, biscuits, toys, volunteer uniforms, promotional materials and events and maintain a supply of our popular information leaflets.


Clumber Park 2k and 10k run

Read about our sponsored fun run and 10k at Clumber Park, which raised more than £400! You can still donate online here at our Just Giving Page.