Lorraine Newstead
Lorraine is Assistant Finance Manager and has been looking after the charity’s finances since 2012. Lorraine loves keeping the finances organised and efficient and seeing what a positive difference donations can make to our services for staff and patients.
Amy Crayfourd
Amy is a member of the Raising Health Finance Team and has worked within the NHS for 24 years mostly within LPT Finance. Amy has a passion for Health and Wellbeing, so loves to see the positive impact and difference the donations can have on the wellbeing of our staff and the patients which we care for.
Hayley Stevenson
Hayley is a member of the Raising Health Finance Team and has worked within the NHS for over 16 years with LPT Finance. Hayley says ‘I love my job because I get to see the start of raising money for particular projects, right through to the finish. I feel blessed to be part of a wonderful team’.